Read This If You’re Struggling To Understand White Privilege

It’s hard to see when you’re white, but it’s still real.

Emily Steele
2 min readJun 26, 2020

I remember when a friend of mine got glasses for the first time in elementary school.

She came back to school and said, “I didn’t know everyone was actually seeing the individual leaves on the trees!”

She had previously just been seeing a blur of green & assuming that’s what everyone else was seeing, too.

Why should she have assumed any differently?

It is only natural & normal to assume that the way we experience the world is the way others must experience it too, right?

It’s kind of hard to know you have poor vision when you have poor vision, because you don’t know how other people are seeing.

And it’s the same for white privilege: it’s kind of hard to see it when you’re white.

Until somebody points it out & shows you the way they’ve experienced the world, lots of us are completely blind to it.



Emily Steele

lifter of heavy things: thoughts, words, weights, burdensome beliefs